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英文 Jiangsu ZH Heavy Industry Machine Tool Co., Ltd.


英文:HANGTE Rail Transit Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd.

Company Profile: ZH Heavy Industry, HANGTE Rail Transit Technology:


Aviation Structure Industry-University-Research Experimental Base

一、致力于高新產(chǎn)品研究與開(kāi)發(fā):伺服數控、數顯:型材彎曲機、法蘭機、伺服型材拉彎機,頂彎機、伺服數控彎弧機(滾彎機)、 智能數控四輥卷板機

Committed to the research and development of high-tech products: servo CNC, digital display: profile bending machine, flange bending machine, servo profile stretch bending machine, top bending machine, servo CNC arc bending machine (roll bending machine), intelligent CNC four-roll plate rolling machine


Product coverage at home and abroad (Europe, Asia)


Multi-function profile bending machine (Heavy and oversized delivery overseas, one-click activation)

3、數控多功能:伺服智能型材拉彎機; (歐洲、亞洲、特大重型一鍵啟動(dòng))

英文:CNC multi-function: servo intelligent profile bending machine; (Europe, Asia, super heavy-duty first-key start)


英文:CNC intelligent: servo bending roll machine (Curve bending machine)


英文:CNC intelligent: Four Roller Rolling Machine (one-button start)

二、自成立以來(lái),穩定創(chuàng )新發(fā)展了二十年的常規傳統系列產(chǎn)品:三輥液壓、機械卷板機、校平機、剪折機、快速發(fā)展成為國內板材行業(yè)成型、彎曲成型等鍛壓設備專(zhuān)業(yè)制造商。

Since its inception, the traditional series of products with stable innovation and development for 20 years: three-roll hydraulic, mechanical coiling machine, leveling machine, cutting machine, rapid development into the domestic plate industry, professional manufacturer of forging equipment such as forming and bending forming. .


國家千人教授之一)支持與合作。擁有高新技術(shù)企業(yè)、科技企業(yè)、榮獲了證書(shū)等*資質(zhì)。得到國內媒體、網(wǎng)絡(luò )、發(fā)表論文、電視臺的專(zhuān)業(yè)報導、其高新專(zhuān)用設備創(chuàng )新、國內、技術(shù)實(shí)力的象征!

The company has domestic experts in bending forming, forging equipment manufacturing, and manufacturing of aviation orbital structural parts (one of the national thousand professors) for support and cooperation. It has necessary qualifications such as high-tech enterprises, science and technology enterprises, and has won patent certificates. Get professional reports from domestic media, the Internet, published papers, TV stations, innovations in high-tech special equipment, domestic top rankings, and a symbol of technical strength!

三、中航重工、航特科技(只爭朝夕、不負韶華):科技創(chuàng )新促發(fā)展、高質(zhì)精品創(chuàng )品牌、追求誠信拓市場(chǎng)、科學(xué)管理求增效、為發(fā)展原則。榮獲全國立信企業(yè)、真誠歡迎各界新老客戶(hù)光臨指導!實(shí)地考察洽談、加盟合作、共創(chuàng )美好的明天!

Science and technology innovation promotes development, high-quality products create brands, pursues integrity and expands the market, scientific management seeks efficiency and is the principle of development. Sincerely welcome new and old customers from all walks of life to visit and guide! Field trips, negotiations to join cooperation, create a better tomorrow!


Applicable fields: various pressure vessels, steel structures, aerospace, aviation, motor trains, elevators, highways, rail transit, bridge engineering, stadium shaped, curved modeling, sheet metal forming, bending, structural parts manufacturing industry. The products cover domestic and exported to overseas markets and are well received by customers!

誠信、創(chuàng )新、用心、敬業(yè) !

英文:Integrity, innovation, dedication and dedication!

可尊、可信、共創(chuàng )、共贏(yíng)!

英文:Honorable, credible, co-created and win-win!


Contact Us
  • 聯(lián)系QQ:412357997
  • 聯(lián)系郵箱
  • 聯(lián)系電話(huà):0513-88818500
  • 聯(lián)系地址:江蘇海安經(jīng)濟開(kāi)發(fā)區開(kāi)發(fā)大道和順路

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